Our school joined the preliminary round of the aboved competition @ SM Sayyidina Hassan on 12th March, 2009 and our representatives were Nur Amal Atiqah bt Hj Abi, Siti Nazirah bt Hj Morshidi, Nurul Nadhirah bt Hussin Shah; while Harundin Ajamain and Abdul Hadi Saidin as reserve.
The chairman was Almas Syadzwanie bt Kamis while Eszarani Anak Sebab was the time keeper. Eventhough it was their 1st time, our team has a high-level of confidence in delivering the points/speech. However, being the opponents (opposing team) we lost to SOAS college.
The school would like to thank Cg.Noraini Badzawie for her guidance and also to Cg Azrina Hj Latip, Cg Pg.Rokiah Pg Matarsad and Cg Amran Baha for their involvement and committment.

Above: Hadi, Harundin, Cg.Azrina, Amal Atiqah, Nazirah and Nadhirah
Bottom: with Cg.Pg.Rokiah